
What are the off-road tests that motorcyclists must take to obtain their driving licence?

 A motorbike licence test is like any other driving test. In other words, it contains several tests that must be taken in order to pass. The motorbike licence test is an on-road test, to check the candidate’s ability and find…

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Motorbike: how to wheelie with the help of the clutch?

You have a motorbike and you want to learn some acrobatic tricks with it? Wheeling is one of the most popular motorbike stunts. To succeed in this move, you need to have a good theory and a lot of practice…

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The slider: an essential part for sliding on the road!

As a motorbike enthusiast, you need all the necessary equipment. They allow you to slide well on the tarmac without fear. In addition to the basics, there are some essential accessories that motorcyclists must have. These include the motorbike slider….

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Motorbiker: how to perform a burn while relieving the rear wheel of your motorbike

Are you a motorbike enthusiast, and more specifically a fan of acrobatic tricks? You probably know the burn, a popular move among motorbike enthusiasts. Without proper control, it can quickly wear out the rear tyre. Discover the right techniques to…

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